Friday, 19 June 2020

All You Need to Know About Water-Based Flavorings

Water-soluble flavor means that the flavor will dissolve in water, propylene glycol (PG), or other mediums that are not based on oil. When mixing oil and water, an oil-soluble compound when mixed in water will float and get separated and not combine. It is essential to know how you are planning on applying the flavor and have to be aware of the solubility of solubility as a factor.
All-natural flavors are water-soluble flavors, and now let us know how they are extracted.
1. Planting
All over the world, vanilla planifolia is planted in a narrow band between 10 and 20 degrees above and below the equator. Before maturation and flowering, the plant of vanilla orchid grows for 3-5 years.
2. Pollination
The flower of orchids opens for only 24 hours, so it must be pollinated within 8-12 hours of opening, or else the flower will fall and die. Due to the flower’s covered structure, it is not pollinated naturally, and the orchid must be hand-pollinated individually.
3. Harvest
The vanilla bean is harvested 6 to 9 months after pollination. They are then sweated and dried for a month.
4. Extraction
The vanilla bean flavor, which comprises 200 unique chemical compounds, is extracted in alcohol. The extract is bottled and sold in stores.
Water-soluble flavors are extracted from natural sources and then used to create the finished products. All flavors can be created artificially or naturally.
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